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seal [si:l] n
gen. pečat; žig; plomba
avia. zaptivati
chem. zaptivna smeša; zaptivni materijal
comp., MS plombirati (To store data in such a way that it can be retrieved later by the same security support component, and only by that security support component)
construct. zaptivka (gumena, plastična i dr.); zalivanje (spojnica, takođe sealing); vodeni zaptivač; voda u zatvaraču (kod klozetske šolje i dr.); zapečatiti (koverat, omot i dr.)
fig. jemstvo
law jemstvo autentičnosti; obeležje; overavanje; pečaćenje; pečatnik; pečatnjak; potvrda autentičnosti; prsten pečatnjak; zaloga; zaptivka; zaptiti; znak; znak izvornosti; žigosanje (lat. sigillum; signum); pečat (obično gumeni)
oil izolacijski sloj; izolacija; izoliranje; zaklopac; osigurač od gubljenja plinova i gubitaka kapljevine iz bušotina; osigurač od gubljenja plinova i gubitaka tekućine iz bušotina; učiniti nepropustljivim
tech. zaptivanje; hermetizacija; zaptivač; zatvarač; zaliti (gipsom, gitom, olovom itd.)
zool. foka
pečat seal [si:l] n
econ. žig
seal [si:l] v
gen. zapečatiti; potvrditi; hermetički zatvoriti; označiti; učvrstiti pomoću cementa; loviti foke
law jemčiti; overiti; pečatiti; staviti pečat; zaliti voskom; zapušiti; zatvoriti
polygr. zavariti (plastičnu kesu, foliju)
seal [si:l] adj.
law pečatni vosak
 English thesaurus
seal [si:l] n
fish.farm. foka
law, abbr. s.
SEAL [si:l] abbr.
abbr. Sleep Eat And Lift; Society For Experimental Arts And Learning; Sulcal Extraction And Labelling; Sulcus Extraction and Assisted Labelling; Signal Evaluation Airborne Laboratory; Simple and Efficient Adaptation Layer (ATM)
abbr., avia. sealing
abbr., ed. Service Education And Leadership; Skill Exchange And Learning
abbr., el. Scanning Electron Analysis Laboratories, Inc.; sea, air and land; signal evaluation airborne laboratory; simulation, evaluation and analysis language
abbr., file.ext. Screening External Access Link (Digital-DEC); Segmentation and Reassembly Layer (protocol)
abbr., mil. Sea - Air - Land Combat Team; Sea, Air, Land; Sea, Air, Land team; Submarine Escape Action Levels; SEa Air Land (special forces); Sea-Air-Land team seal; Sea-Air-Land team
abbr., mil., avia. Sea, Air and Land special operation unit
abbr., nautic., scient. Sea Explorer Advanced Leadership
abbr., progr. simple and efficient adaptation level (ssn)
abbr., scottish Sea, Air, Land (USA)
abbr., tech. unidad de fuerzas especiales de la Armada de EE.UU. (del mar, aire y tierra); sea, air and land; Navy Sea-Air-Land Unit
mil. sea-air-land
tech. ship's electronics allowance list
SEAL [si:l] abbr.
abbr. simple and efficient adaptation layer (ATM)
abbr., comp.name. Subsea Equipment Association Limited
abbr., earth.sc. sea-air-land; subsea equipment associates limited
abbr., oil Shearwater Elgin Area Line (pipeline)
abbr., space sea/air/land
: 308 phrases in 16 subjects
Mechanic engineering7
Oil / petroleum68
Road construction4
Road traffic1
Road works2